• Why use SureBite?

We have ensured that your allergy is taken as seriously as it deserves to be taken. Only accredited professional translations have been carried out with extensive checks on the quality of the translations. Every word has been proof-read by a separate native speaker with no affiliation to the translators. Our wording has also been chosen very specifically to accurately portray the severity of your food allergy, eliminating as much as risk as possible to allow you to have an enjoyable experience with food, wherever you are in the world.

  • Why not just use Google Translate?

Google translate is great for small phrases and singular words to help you impress locals. But for something as dangerous as your food allergy, we think this should be left to professional translators who understand your needs.

  • What if I have multiple allergies?

For those who have more than 1 allergy we offer discounts on more cards. Add multiple cards to basket and all discounts will automatically be applied.

  • How long is shipping?

All orders placed before 8pm (GMT) will be dispatched the same day and any after this time will be dispatched the following day. Always with free UK standard shipping.

  • Are the cards double sided?

Yes. All of our cards have English on one side and the chosen language on the other side.

  • I am travelling to a country that speaks a language Sure Bite doesn't offer cards for.

If this is the case for you please email us explaining your situation and we will do our very best to help you. info@surebite.co.uk

  • Does SureBite have social media?

We sure do! The best way to see what we are up to or to get in touch is to follow us on Instagram @Surebite.allergies